Describe About The Interesting Photo

At this time, I will explain about the photo above. This photo was a photo of people who're buying special food as a gift from the city of Malang. I took this photo on March 30, 2014 at 09.19. At that time, me and 5 others were representing the University of Gunadarma to follow Islamic economic competition namely Temu Ilmiah Nasional (Temilnas) 2014 in Malang. Its competition been carried out 3 days in advance, the last event of Temilnas was field trip to Kusuma Agrowisata Batu, Malang. It was interesting that such a mandatory agenda has become to buy local food specialities as souvenirs for relatives and friends if traveling out of town.

The photo was composed of participants of the competition and general visitors who would like to buy some typical of Batu, Malang. In the store, there were fruit chip, tempe chip, and also a t-shirt that I Love Malang, slippers, some accessories, and some snacks. In these places there were many shops that sell gift shop, but that shop have more visitors than other stores, even though the goods sold is the same stuff. Maybe because there were some people who buy at the store, other visitors assume the store is cheaper and goods sold better and good quality. It's only my assumption. The other stores were not crowded like the store that photo, therefore I took a photo at the venue.

In that photo, we can see there was a beautiful view. On the left side there was the mountain, unfortunately not too clear that picture of mountain. The weather there was also friendly, brightly, and the air is cool because it is located in the plateau of Malang. I want to go there again.

Name : Sarah Syahriyani
NPM : 26211614

Class : 3EB01


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